One God... In His Own Words

    The central idea of this work is this slogan;
"The only Person qualified to define the Godhead, is Almighty God Himself."
We look therefore to those treasured verses in the Bible, where He does just that; reveals to us, the essence of His nature in His own words.

    Any attempt by Man to take on this task will be guaranteed to fall short, as we are but dust and ashes, in His sight. He is the Potter, we are the mere clay. In the past, Man has made just such attempts in creed and doctrine while blatently adding to the word of God his (Man's) own feeble words, often inducing error. If that were not enough-- these same extrabiblical writings, made hundreds of years after the completion of the Bible, have been imposed on others as a litmus test of faith.

    But now, let us hear what God declares about the very essence of His nature, again, in His own words.

  • Genesis 1:1 & 1:2
    Shows how Biblical language defies the language of the Athanasian Creed, by the absense of any explanation of "Persons" when changing terminology from "God" to "Spirit of God".
  • Genesis 1:26 & 3:22
    A comparison of these two scriptures, shows the proper understanding of the terminology "us" of Genesis 1:26 to be referring to the heavenly hosts as opposed to "three persons" of God.
  • Genesis 1:26    (Part 2)
    Man was created in the image of God. But some see only a surface level view of what that means, limiting their understanding to a comparison of "our body, soul, and spirit are reflective of a 'Trinity'". But are these the true attributes God was referring to or is there much more? Let's look.
  • Deuteronomy 6:4
    Directly defines God to Israel as being "one".
  • Proverbs 30:5
    Warnings from God not to add to His word. This should strongly be considered when reading the the 325 A.D. writing called the 'Athanasian Creed'.
  • Isaiah 9:6
    Directly calls the Son of God here prophesied to be born, "the everlasting Father" in black and white.
  • Isaiah 43:11
    Since God declares that "besides me there is no Saviour", then Jesus Christ must Himself be that very Person of God.
  • Matthew 18:20
    Shows by implication that Christ Himself is the Person of the Holy Spirit, since He states that it is He Himself in the midst of His believers.
  • Matthew 28:20
    Since Jesus declares "I am with you alway" implies that He Himself is the Person of the Holy Spirit.
  • Luke 1:35
    Declares that it was the Holy Ghost who overshadowed Mary unto the conception of the Lord Jesus. Since the Holy Ghost is the father of the child Jesus, then the Person of the Holy Ghost has to be the very Person of the Father. This in itself seals the fact that God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are absolutely one (not multiple beings).
  • John 1:1 & 1:14
    Shows how the term "Son" is misapplied when used before the incarnation of the Word. The accurate term to used for He who became "the Son" prior to Jesus' birth is "the Word".
  • John 4:24
    Definition that "God is a Spirit" as given directly by Jesus Christ. Since God is a spirit, it is impossible that there be more than one.
  • John 8:24, 58, 59
    Jesus declares that He is the "I AM", not the "second person" of a Trinity.
  • John 14:8 - 14:10
    Shows how the Person of the Father is the Person of Jesus Christ
  • John 14:17
    Shows how the Person of Jesus is the Person of the Holy Spirit
  • Romans 8:9
    Directly calls the "Spirit of God", the "Spirit of Christ" in the same breath. This is highly related to John 14:17.
  • Colossians 2:9
    Declares that "all the fulness of the Godhead" was present in Jesus Christ, not "1/3" of a "trinity".
  • 1st Timothy 3:16
    Declares God Himself was manifested in the flesh, not a "second person".
  • Hebrews 1:3
    The only time that the word "Person" appears in the New Testament, it is in the singular form.
  • 1st John 5:7 and 8
    In the incredible difference between the ending of these two verses, the oneness of God's nature is revealed.
  • Revelation 1:8
    Jesus calls Himself directly, "the Almighty".

    Here's a thought to follow this reading of God's own words to describe Himself. It it perfectly natural for men to begin to imagine what God must be like after they learn of Him. They begin thinking of what they might see at the time of Christ's return, or what they will behold in Heaven, etc.

    But when assuming the huge responsibility of communicating to others the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we must constrain ourselves to using the same language as He does (i.e. same wording in whatever dialect). In this manner the Church we will be speaking the same thing and the same Gospel as we should.

    In limiting ourselves to the use of God's own definitions of Himself, the Church can avoid debates and divisions caused by Scripture altering extrabiblical writings as is the case with the Athanasian Creed. Remaining in the integrity of God's word (alone) the Church will be faithful witnesses of His great salvation.


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 Web Author:Michael Stevenson Updated: 12/16/2004 7:08PM